August 17, 2020
An Amazing God
Whenever you pick up the phone and dial a number, you generally always know who you are calling, the reason why you are calling, and you're hoping the person answers the phone. The same is true for you as a Christian when talking with God. When you call out to God, you are hoping that He is listening to you and that He will answer you. This verse is a promise from God that when you call out to Him, He is always there to listen and to answer. Now the answer may not always be what you want; however, God knows best for your life, and whatever His answer is, according to this verse, it will be great and mighty. A lot of Christians are missing out on the great and mighty things that God can do in their life because they are not fellowshipping and having that personal relationship with Him. God wants to do great and mighty things in your life, but first, you must call out to Him.

Daily Bible Reading
Psalm 109-111 & Romans 16
Key Verse
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
Jeremiah 33:3 (KJV)
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